- total
- total agreement
- total amount
- total assets
- total disablement
- total expense ratio
- total loss
- total revenue shall cover total appropriations for payments
- total techincal charges
- tough job
- track record
- track record
- trade agreement
- trade barrier
- trade creditor
- trade debitor
- Trade Descriptions Act
- trade discount
- trade fair
- trade goods
- trade payables
- trade price
- trademark
- Trademarks Act
- trademarks and similar assets
- tradeoff
- trader
- trading
- trading account
- Trading Licences Act
- trading on line
- trading on own account
- trading partner
- Trading Stamps Schemes (Restriction) Act
- Traffic Regulation Ordinance
- Traffic (Visibility) Ordinance
- trainee
- training
- training college
- training course
- training day
- training group
- training level
- training needs analysis
- training school
- transact business
- transact business with
- transaction
- transations relating to assets
- transfer
- transfer agent
- transfer company
- transfer fee
- transfer of appropriations
- transfer of portfolio
- transfer of property
- transfer payment
- transfer pricing
- transfer property
- transferable securities
- transfering funds between own accounts
- transferred (to be)
- transfers made
- transition period
- transitional
- translate
- translation
- translation services
- transportation insurance (insur.)
- travel
- travel agent
- travel insurance
- travel levy
- travel sickness
- traveller
- travellers' accident insurance
- travellers' cheques
- travelling allowance
- treasury bills
- treasury bills for a number of years
- treasury bond
- treasury certificate (zero coupon)"""
- treasury cycle
- treasury note
- treasury stock
- treat (to)
- treatment
- treaty
- treaty of peace
- Treaty on European Union
- trend
- trend line, trendline
- trial balance
- tribunal
- Tribunal for the Investigations of Injustices Act
- tribute
- true
- true and fair view
- true copy
- trust
- trust account
- trust activity
- trust agreement
- trust company
- trust mortgage
- Trusts and Trustees Act
- Tunny Fishery (Shares) Act
- turn 'round
- turn your head
- turnover
- twenty-five percent
- twice-monthly
- twin-motor
- two-monthly
- two-named
- UIC code for foreign country
- UN Global Compact
- unacceptable price
- unalienable rights
- unamortised
- uncertainty
- uncleared cheque
- unconfirmed report
- undated
- undeniable fact
- under advice
- under examination
- under insurance
- under-insurance
- under par
- under security
- underlying
- undermined
- understanding
- understatement
- undertaking
- undertakings
- undertakings for collective investment in trasferable securities (ucit)
- underwrite
- underwriter
- underwriting
- underwriting guide
- underwriting limit
- underwriting room
- unearned income
- unearned premium
- unearned premium reserve
- unemployment
- unemployment benefit
- unemployment compensation
- unemployment insurance
- unfinished goods
- uninsurable risk
- union rate
- unit
- unit cost
- unit linked
- unit-linked
- unit linked policy
- unit-linked policy
- unit margin
- unit price
- unit trust
- unit trust
- United Kingdom Lands (Vesting) Act
- united nations economic commission for europe
- uniting of interests
- universal agreement
- unlisted in the stock exchange
- unlisted security
- unloading
- unmatched book
- unpaid
- unpresented cheque
- unquoted
- unrealised gain
- unrealised loss
- unrealised profit
- unsecured loan
- unsecured loan or credit
- unused appropriations
- up-to-date
- up-to-date
- upstairs market
- upstream
- uptrend
- use language
- use materials
- use money
- Use of Certain Words (Regulation) Act
- use of words
- use tax
- use time
- use (to)
- use your head
- useful
- useful life
- user
- usual trade terms
- usufruct
- usury
- utilisation of appropriations
- utilised
- Utilities and Services (Regulation of Certain Works) Act
- utmost good faith
- vacancy
- vacant
- valid
- valid claim
- valid claim
- valid contract
- validation
- validation of expenditure
- validation procedure
- validity
- validity period
- valuation statement
- value
- Value Added Tax Act
- value added tax (VAT)
- value date
- value days
- value for money
- value investment management
- value of a building
- value of quote
- variable
- variable annuity
- variable cost
- variable premium
- variable rate
- variable risk
- variance
- variance analysis
- velocity of money
- vendor
- vendor's lien
- Venereal Diseases (Treatment) Act
- venture
- venture capital
- venturer
- verbal agreement
- verbal communication
- verification
- vertical spread
- vested right
- Veterinary Services Act
- video conference
- visible supply