

(1) an arrangement by which a company is guaranteed that an issue of shares will raise a given amount of cash. The underwriters undertake to subscribe for any of the issue not taken up by the public. They charge commission for this service (2) the process of selecting risks for insurance and determining in what amounts and on what terms the insurance company will accept the risk (IG)

In other languages:

  • sottoskrizzjoni [MT] - (1) arranġament li bih kumpanija tingħata garanzija li l-ħruġ ta' ishma se jiġbor ammont speċifiku ta' flus. Is-sottoskritti jintrabtu li jieħdu huma l-ammont ta' ishma li ma jkunx ittieħed mill-pubbliku. Huma jitħallsu kummissjoni ta' dan is-servizz (2) il-proċess ta' l-għażla ta' riskji li se jkunu assigurati u tad-determinazzjoni ta' l-ammonti u t-termini li abbażi tagħhom il-kumpanija ta' l-assigurazzjoni taċċetta r-riskju (IG)
  • sottoscrivere [IT]

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