- open mind
- open order
- open policy
- open question
- open sale
- open space
- open system
- open the way
- open the way for
- open time
- open to
- open to all
- open to the public
- open war
- opening
- opening balance
- opening entry
- opening price
- opening quotation
- operating activities
- operating cycle
- operating expense
- operating income
- operating lease
- operating leases
- operating loss
- operating profit
- operating ratios
- operation
- operation risk
- operational programme
- operations
- operations research
- opportunity cost
- optimisation
- option advise or notice
- option/s
- options
- oral communication
- oral examination
- order
- order of business
- order of payment
- order quantity (eoq)
- orderly
- ordinary
- ordinary activities
- ordinary general meeting
- ordinary interest
- ordinary share
- ordinary share
- ordinary shares
- organisation chart, organization chart
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Organisation for the Savings of Collective Investments
- organisation of events
- original duration
- original estimates
- orthography
- other categories of assets, suitably identified
- other credits
- other investments, stating the market value of listed investments if different from the carrying amount in the financial statements
- other liabilities
- other matters
- other operating revenues
- other payables
- other sponsors
- other than temporary
- out of a job
- out of date
- out-of-date
- out of funds
- out-of-office
- out of office hours
- out of place
- out-of-place
- out of the money
- outcome
- outflow
- outlying branch
- output
- outsource
- outstanding
- outstanding claim/s
- outstanding debt
- outstanding payment
- outstanding securities
- outstanding security measures
- outturn accounts
- over-budgetisation
- over insurance
- over-insurance
- over-riding clause
- over-the-counter market
- over the counter market (OTC)"""
- overall ceiling
- overdraft
- overdraw
- overdrawn
- overhead price
- overheads
- override (to)
- overriding commission
- overseas company
- overseas risk
- overseas travel
- overseas travel sickness insurance
- overstatement
- overview
- own account
- own choice
- own correspondent
- own discretion
- own means
- own resources
- own responsibility
- own risk
- own share
- owner
- ownership
- package account
- package policy
- paid
- paid holiday
- paid up
- paid-up
- paid up capital
- paid-up capital
- paid-up policy
- paid vacation
- paper
- paper gain
- paper money
- paper transaction
- par
- par avion
- par exemple
- par or legal value per share
- par value
- par value (see face value)
- parent
- parent company
- parental
- part company
- part of a share
- part of the medical insurance plan
- part-time agent
- Part-time Employees Regulations
- part-time work
- partcipating intermediary
- partial
- partial fractions
- partial insurance (for less than full value)
- partial loss
- partial pressure
- partial risk position
- partial sum
- participating insurance
- participation
- participation in joint undertakings
- participation in profits
- participation in tendering procedures
- particular
- particular conditions
- Partition of Inheritances Act
- partner
- partner countries
- partners
- partnership
- partnership
- partnership accounts
- partnership agreement
- partnership name
- party funding
- party leader
- party to a contract
- pass to payment
- passenger
- passenger car
- passenger insurance
- passenger list
- passenger plane
- passenger train
- passport rights
- Passports Ordinance
- past commitments
- past data
- past experience
- patents
- Patents and Designs Act
- paternal
- patrimony insurances
- patronage letters
- pawn
- pawnbroker
- pay
- pay back
- pay cash
- pay damages
- pay dearly
- pay down
- pay for
- pay heed
- pay in
- pay in advance
- pay in full
- pay off
- pay out
- pay raise
- pay the bill
- pay the costs
- pay the expenses
- pay too much
- pay tribute
- pay-TV
- pay up
- pay your dues
- pay your way
- payable
- payable dividends
- payable in advance
- payable in arrears
- payable in full
- payables
- payables to associates
- payables to directors
- payment
- payment appropriations
- payment authorised
- payment by instalment
- payment cap
- payment every ten days
- payment in advance
- payment in arrear
- payment in cash
- payment in full
- payment in kind
- payment in kind
- payment made
- payment of account
- payment of an instalment
- payment of interest
- payment of premium
- payment on account
- payment order
- Payment thorugh Notice
- payments fall due
- payments procedures
- payoff statement
- payout ratio