

(1) an insurance company that receives the premiums and accepts responsibility for the fulfilment of the policy contract (2) the company employee who decides whether or not the company should assume a particular risk (3) an institutional investor who effectively insures a new issue (or rights issue) by agreeing to buy all shares which are not sold to other investors (IG)

In other languages:

  • underwriter [MT] - (1) kumpanija ta' assigurazzjoni li tirċievi l-primjums u taċċetta responsabbilità għat-twettiq tal-kuntratt tal-polza (2) l-impjegat tal-kumpanija li jiddeċiedi jekk il-kumpanija għandhiex tidħol għal riskju partikolari jew le (3) investitur instituzjonali li jassigura ħruġ ġdid billi jaqbel li jixtri l-ishma kolla li ma' jinbigħux lil investituri oħra (IG)
  • assicuratore, compagnia di assicurazioni [IT]

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