- Medicines Act
- medium of exchange
- medium-term
- medium to long term
- meet (to)
- member bank
- Member State
- members in relation to a recognised investment exchange
- Members of Parliament Pensions Act
- Members of Parliament (Public Employment)
- membership
- Membership of International Financial Organisations Act
- memorandum account
- memorandum and articles
- memorandum and articles
- memory bank
- mental health
- Mental Health Act
- merchandise
- merchant bank
- Merchant Shipping Act
- merger
- merger by acquisition
- mergers
- messages
- method of bonus allocation
- method of calculation
- method of payment
- methodological
- Methylated Spirits Ordinance
- Metrology Act
- MIB30
- mid-term
- mid-term cancellation
- middle
- middle term
- mine of information
- mineral deposit
- minimum
- Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
- minimum guaranteed rate
- minimum lot or bundle
- minimum premium
- minimum wage
- mining claim
- ministerial directive
- Ministers (Delegation of Functions) Act
- Ministry for Finance
- Ministry of Tourism Act
- minor
- minor detail
- minor loss
- minor party
- minority interest
- minority shareholding
- minutes
- minutes of meeting
- misappropriation
- miscellaneous risks
- misleading
- misrepresentation
- mission
- mission statement
- misstatement
- mixed guarantee
- mixed policy
- mixing ratio
- mobility manager
- moderate price
- modification
- modification
- module
- monetary
- monetary asset
- monetary base
- Monetary Law (Lex Monetae)
- monetary loosening
- monetary measurement concept
- Monetary Policy
- monetary unit
- money
- money-bag
- money belt
- money box
- money-box
- money broker
- money down
- money-getting
- money-grubbing
- money-hungry
- money in hand
- money laundering
- money-lender
- money-maker
- money-making
- money market
- money market instruments
- money matters
- money measurement concept
- money order
- money-raising
- money saver
- money saver that operates on the exchange
- money-saving
- money-spinner
- money to burn
- money transmission services
- moneylender
- monitoring
- monkey business
- monopoly
- Monte di Pieta Act
- monthly declaration or return
- monthly meeting
- monthly payments
- monthly statement
- Moody's
- moral damages
- moral hazard
- moratorium
- morning sickness
- mortality curve
- mortality loss
- mortality profit
- mortality rate
- mortality risk
- mortality table
- mortgage
- mortgage
- mortgage bond
- mortgage deed
- mortgage holder
- mortgage insurance
- mortgage loan
- Mortmain Act
- most economically advantageous tender
- most favoured reinsurer clause
- motion
- motion of confidence
- motion of no confidence
- motor car
- motor car insurance
- motor cycle
- motor cycle insurance
- motor hull insurance
- motor insurance
- motor third party insurance
- motor vehicle
- motor vehicle passenger insurance
- Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Ordinance
- Motor Vehicles Registration Tax Act
- motor vessel
- movement in share capital accounts
- movement of reserves
- MSE Account number
- multi-brand
- multi-channel bank
- multi-currency system
- multi-local
- multi-national
- multiannual forecasts
- multiannual operation
- multichannel
- multiclient
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Act
- multiple-choice
- multiple citizenship
- multiple connection
- multiple factors
- multiple guarantee
- multiple image
- multiple insurance
- multiple messages
- multiple perils insurance for cinemas
- multiple personality
- multiple sclerosis
- multiple series
- multiple-valued
- municipal bond
- musical instrument
- musical instruments insurance
- mutation
- mutual agreement, loan agreement
- mutual company
- mutual company
- mutual fund
- mutual insurance
- mutual insurance society
- mutual recognition
- Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Act
- mutual savings bank
- mutual society
- mutual support
- mutual understanding
- named perils coverage
- nanotechnology
- narrow margin
- national account
- national accounts
- National Archives Act
- national bank
- national budget
- National Council for the Maltese Language
- national debt
- National Employment Authority
- National Euro Changeover Committee
- National Holidays and other Public Holidays Act
- national income
- National Insurance Contribution
- national insurance, public welfare
- National Interest (Enabling Powers) Act
- national leader
- National Museums and Monuments (Comprehensive Admission Tickets) Act
- national standards authority
- nationality
- nationalization
- natural premium
- natural rights
- negative amortization
- negligence
- negotiable instrument
- negotiate a conract (to)
- negotiation proposal
- neighbouring risk
- net
- net activity
- net amount
- net area
- net asset
- net asset value
- net asset value per share
- net assets
- net assets
- net book value
- net collection
- net current assets
- net damage premium
- net dividend
- net earned primjum
- net earnings
- net income
- net interest
- net interest margin
- net loss
- net of income tax
- net operations margin
- net pay
- net premium