- distribution area or zone
- distribution of charges
- distribution of dividends
- Distribution of German Enemy Property Ordinance
- distribution of risks
- district
- district leader
- disturbance allowance
- diversification
- divestiture
- divided
- dividend
- dividend per share
- divident cover
- dividing line
- divine office
- do business
- do business with
- do no harm
- do on your own
- do the job
- Dockyard and Shipbuilding Yard (Restructuring) Act
- Document for Economic Programming
- documentary evidence
- documented
- Dogs Act
- doing business
- dollar
- dollar bond
- dollar cost average
- dollar exchange
- dollar loan
- domestic
- domestic currency
- Domestic Violence Act
- domicile
- domiciled
- Donated Supplies (Prohibition of Sale) Act
- donation
- door to door
- Doorstep Contracts Act
- dormant account
- dormant company
- dotted line
- double
- double assurance, double insurance
- double bond
- double entry
- double-entry
- double-entry accounting
- double-entry bookkeeping
- double-entry system
- double indemnity
- double-line
- double standard
- double taxation
- double taxation agreement
- double taxation relief
- doubtful
- doubtful debt
- doubtful loans, doubtful debts
- Dow Jones
- Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50
- Dow Jones EuroStoxx Insurance
- down payment
- down-the-line
- draft
- draft accounts
- drafts
- draw
- draw the line
- drawee
- drawer
- drawing up of the budget
- drawings
- drop a line
- dual
- dual aspect concept
- dual carriageway
- dual circulation period
- dual citizenship
- dual codification
- dual control
- dual currency system
- dual display
- dual nationality
- dual personality
- dual pricing
- dual-purpose
- dual space
- dual statement
- due
- due capital
- due date
- due diligence
- due north
- due process
- due process of law
- due to
- dumping
- durable goods
- duration
- duration of agreement
- duration of guarantee
- duration of risk
- duty
- duty-free goods
- duty of disclosure
- Duty on Documents and Transfers Act
- dwelling house
- dwelling place
- dynamic data
- dynamic portfolio
- e-commerce, electronic commerce
- e-learning
- early payment
- early repayment of policy
- earn
- earned income
- earned premium
- earnest money
- earning rate
- earnings
- earnings per share (EPS)
- earnings per share (eps)
- earnings/price ratio
- earth life
- earthquake
- earthquake insurance
- easy money
- Ecclesiastical Courts (Constitution and Jurisdiction) Law
- Ecclesiastical Entities (Properties) Act
- Ecclesiastical Offices or Benefices (Appointment by Foreign Power) Ordinance
- echo
- eco-committee
- Eco-Contribution Act
- Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
- ecolisation
- econometrics
- economic
- Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
- economic and social committee
- economic boom
- economic development
- economic impact assessment
- economies of scale
- ecu
- edge
- edit
- edition
- editorial office
- editorial unit
- Education Act
- educational endowment
- effect
- effect a payment (to)
- effected transactions on behalf of third parties
- effective
- effective control
- effective date
- effective force
- effective resistance
- effective yield
- effectiveness
- efficiency
- election
- electoral commission
- electoral commissioner
- Electoral Polling Ordinance
- electric charge
- electric current
- electric motor
- Electro-Magnetic Recording of Proceedings Act
- Electronic Bank Receipt
- electronic battery
- electronic circuit
- electronic clock
- electronic commerce
- Electronic Commerce Act
- electronic communication
- Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act
- electronic computer
- electronic control
- electronic counter
- electronic data exchange, electronic data interchange (edi)
- electronic data processing
- electronic device
- electronic funds transfer system (eft)
- electronic government
- electronic heating
- electronic meter
- electronic money
- electronic money directive
- electronic money institution
- electronic navigation
- electronic organ
- electronic revolution
- electronic surveillance
- electronic switch
- electronic timer
- electronic typewriter
- element
- element of cost
- eligible
- elimination
- embedded value
- embezzlement
- Emblem and Name of Unesco (Restriction of Use) Act
- Emblem and Public Seal of Malta Act
- Emergency Compensation Board (Transitional Provisions) Act
- emergency exit
- Emergency Powers Act
- emerging market(s)
- emoluments
- emotional health
- emotional life
- emphyteusis
- empirical fact
- employee
- employee
- employee benefits
- employer
- employer liability insurance
- Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act
- employment
- employment agency
- Employment and Industrial Relations Act
- Employment and Training Centre
- Employment and Training Services Act
- Employment Commission Act
- employment contract
- Employment Relations Act
- empowered person
- enact
- enacting clause
- enactment
- encashment of coupons
- Encouragement of New Industries Act
- encyclical letter
- end
- end line
- end of life
- end of the financial year
- end of the line
- end use
- endorse
- endorsed
- endorsement
- endorsement
- endowment