dual circulation period

dual circulation period

a short period, after €-day, during which Maltese lira notes and coins would circulate alongside euro notes and coins. This period is necessary since sufficient time is needed to withdraw the national currency notes and coins from circulation (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • perijodu ta' ċirkulazzjoni doppja [MT] - perijodu qasir, wara jum €, li matulu karti tal-liri u muniti fil-lira Maltija jkunu jiċċirkulaw flimkien ma' karti u muniti fl-ewro. Dan il-perijodu hu meħtieg sabiex jingħata żmien biżżejjed biex karti u muniti nazzjonali jinġabru miċ-ċirkulazzjoni (NECCG)
  • periodo di doppia circolazione [IT]

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