- assistant director
- assistant manager
- assisted insurance
- associate
- associate company
- associated
- association
- association agreement
- Association of Immovable Intermediation
- Association of Savings Management
- assumption
- assurance
- at a discount
- at a great rate
- at a high price
- at a loss
- at a low price
- at a premium
- at a previous time
- at a profit
- at a retail price
- at any price
- at any rate
- at best
- at close of business
- at cost price
- at issue
- at no
- at no time
- at par
- at public auction
- at reduced rates
- at short notice
- at sight
- at some previous time
- at that rate
- at the head
- at the money
- at the option of
- at what price
- at your own discretion
- atomic energy community
- attempts
- attendance
- attorney
- attorney general
- Attorney General and Counsel for the Republic (Constitution of Office) Ordinance
- attorney in fact
- attorney-in-fact
- attributable
- auction
- auctioneer
- Auctioneers Act
- audit
- audit based on records performed on the spot
- audit comfort
- audit committee
- audit date
- audit engagement
- audit evidence
- audit fee
- audit objective
- audit office
- audit opinion
- audit planning memorandum
- audit programme
- audit qualification
- audit report
- audit review
- audit routine
- audit scope
- audit trail
- auditing
- auditing procedure
- auditing standard
- auditor
- auditor general
- Auditor General and National Audit Office Act
- auditor's report
- authentic
- authenticate
- authentication
- authorisation, authorization
- authorisation of expenditure
- authorise appropriations (to)
- authorise, authorize
- authorise expenditures (to)
- authorised, authorized
- authorised capital, authorized capital
- authorised intermediary
- authorised share capital
- authorised signatory
- authorising officer
- authority
- automatic carryover
- automatic exchange
- automatic public tendering procedure
- automatic refund
- automatic transmission
- automation
- automobile
- automobile insurance
- availability
- available
- available for sale
- available funds
- available margin
- available means
- average
- average adjuster
- average claim
- average clause
- average cost
- average cost of claims
- average daily rate
- average daily room rate
- average duration of life
- average expectation of life
- average life
- average premium
- average premium system
- average rate
- average stock
- average time on the market
- average yield
- aviation
- aviation insurance
- aviation risk
- awareness
- back
- back line
- back payment
- back-up
- back-up copy
- back-up system
- backdating
- bad debt
- bad debt
- bad debts recovered
- bad faith
- bad job
- bad money
- bad policy
- bad report
- balance
- balance brought forward
- balance carried forward
- balance for the year
- balance of payments
- balance of payments
- balance of the overall budget
- balance of trade
- balance sheet
- balance the books
- balanced accounts
- balanced fund
- balanced portfolio
- balances and gross amounts
- balances consolidation
- balancing
- balancing accounts
- balancing allowance
- balancing charge
- balancing item
- balancing of portfolio
- bancassurance
- bancomat card payment system (Italy)
- bank
- bank account
- bank account details
- bank advice
- bank balance
- bank bill
- bank bond
- bank book
- bank-book
- bank card
- bank cashier
- bank charges
- bank cheque
- bank clerk
- bank confirmation
- bank credit
- bank data
- bank deposit
- bank details
- bank discount
- bank discount rate
- bank draft
- bank holiday
- bank letter
- bank loan
- bank manager
- bank money
- bank on
- bank overdraft
- bank payment
- bank president
- bank rate
- bank reconciliation
- bank reference
- bank report
- bank robber
- bank robbery
- bank run
- bank statement
- bank statement
- bank teller
- bank transfer
- bank upon
- banker
- banker's draft
- bankers' drafts
- banking
- Banking Act
- banking directive
- banking hours
- banking-house
- banking risk
- banking sector
- banknote
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy, failure
- baptism of fire
- bar chart
- Barclays Bank (Transfer of Business) Act
- bargain
- bargain price
- bargain sale
- bargaining process
- bargaining unit
- barred cheque
- barrier
- base
- base exchange
- base fee
- base of operations
- base pay
- base price
- base rate
- base salary
- basic
- basic concept
- basic instrument
- basic premium
- basic rate
- basic salary
- basic training
- basis