- extract
- extract information
- Extradition Act
- extraordinary charges
- extraordinary credits
- extraordinary general meeting (egm)
- extraordinary item
- eye bank
- F24
- face validity
- face value (or par value)
- facility
- fact find
- fact-finding
- fact of life
- factor
- factor of safety
- factoring
- factoring agency
- factory manager
- facts of life
- factual information
- failure to pay
- failures
- fair
- fair and square
- fair competition
- fair copy
- fair game
- fair-haired
- fair market price
- fair-minded
- fair play
- fair-sized
- fair trade
- fair value
- fair weather
- faithful
- fall, average down
- fall due
- fall from grace
- fall in line
- fall in price
- fall into debt
- fall into place
- false claim
- false statement, false declaration
- family allowance
- family income
- family income insurance
- family training
- far away place
- far past
- farm-house
- farm manager
- fast rate
- fat-head
- fatal accident
- fatigue life
- feather-weight
- feature
- federal agent
- federal home loan bank
- federal land bank
- federal reserve bank
- fee
- fee income
- Fees Ordinance
- fellow
- fellow employee
- fellow passenger
- Fertile Soil (Preservation) Act
- fibor
- Fidelity Bond
- fiduciary
- field house
- field service
- fifty percent
- figures
- file
- file a claim
- Filfla Nature Reserve Act
- final accounts
- final and binding
- final dividend
- final draft
- final examination
- final gain or loss
- final notice
- final offer
- final proposal
- final settlement system (fss)
- final statement
- finance
- finance bill
- finance company
- finance corporation
- finance cycle
- finance house
- finance inspectors
- finance leases
- finance servicing
- finance (to)
- finance vehicle
- financial
- financial accountant
- financial accounting
- financial accounts
- Financial Administration and Audit Act
- financial adviser, financial advisor
- financial analyst
- financial asset
- financial assets
- financial charges
- financial contributions
- financial control
- financial controller
- financial credit
- financial futures
- financial guarantee
- financial highlights
- financial information
- financial institution
- financial institution
- Financial Institutions Act
- financial instrument
- financial instruments
- financial instruments
- financial intermediary
- financial leasing
- financial leverage
- financial liabilities
- financial location
- financial management
- Financial Markets Act
- financial model
- financial officer
- financial organiser or financial promoter
- financial participation
- financial performance
- financial perspectives
- financial position
- financial regulation
- financial reporting cycle
- financial reporting year
- financial requirements
- financial return
- financial rules
- financial services
- financial services tribunal
- financial statement
- financial statements
- financial terms
- financial year
- Financial Year Act
- financial year ending
- financial year for which accounts have been closed
- financier
- financing activities
- financing agreement
- financing scale
- find means
- finding the right word
- fine
- fire
- fire alarm
- fire brigade
- fire control
- fire damage
- fire department
- fire exit
- fire extinguisher
- fire extinguisher
- fire hazard
- fire indemnity
- fire insurance
- fire peril
- fire prevention
- fire protection
- fire resistance
- fire resistance
- fire ring
- fire risk
- fire risk
- fire safety
- firm
- firm price
- first class
- first draft
- first in first out (fifo)
- first information
- first line
- first loss insurance
- first mortgage
- first-named
- first option
- first place
- first premium
- first principle
- first quarter
- first rate
- first-rate
- first risk insurance
- first round
- first signs of bankruptcy
- fiscal
- fiscal adviser
- fiscal agent
- fiscal law
- fiscal measure
- fiscal regime
- fiscal relief
- fiscal year
- Fisheries Conservation and Management Act
- Fishing Waters (Designation) and Extended Maritime Jurisdiction Act
- fittings
- fix the date
- fix the price
- fixed account
- fixed allowance
- fixed annuity
- fixed asset
- fixed asset accounts
- fixed assets
- fixed assets additions
- fixed assets register
- fixed capital
- fixed capital accounts
- fixed charge
- fixed cost
- fixed deposit account
- fixed idea
- fixed-income
- fixed income investment
- fixed interest
- fixed point
- fixed premium
- fixed price
- fixed rate
- fixed satellite
- fixed-temperature
- fixed-term
- fixed term insurance
- fixed upon
- flammable material
- flat rate
- flea market
- fleet
- fleet insurance
- fleet policy