dik il-parti ta' fond ta' assigurazzjoni tal-ħajja li jaqbeż is-somma tar-responsabbiltajiet finanzjarji preżenti u futuri kif ikkalkulati mill-attwarji f'data speċifikata. Dawk li jkollhom poloz bi profitti għandhom dritt ta' sehem mis-surplus, ġeneralment f´forma ta' bonus riversjonarju li jiżdied perjodikament mas-somma assigurata u jitħallas magħha (IG)
In other languages:
surplus [EN]
- that part of the Life Insurance Fund over and above the sum of its present and future liabilities as calculated by actuaries on a given date. Holders of with-profits policies are entitled to a share in the surplus, usually in the form of a Reversionary Bonus added periodically to and payable with the sum assured (IG)
eccesso, surplus [IT]