reversionary bonus

bonus riversjonarju

żieda mas-somma assigurata li titħallas fl-istess ċirkustanzi tas-somma assigurata u li hija garantita. Żidiet regolari normalment isiru lil poloz ta' kuntratti bi profitti u ż-żidiet jirriżultaw minn fondi surplus li m´humiex meħtieġa mill-kumpaniji biex ikopru r-responsabbiltajiet/l-obbligi (finanzjarji) tagħhom

In other languages:

  • reversionary bonus [EN] - an addition to the sum assured payable in the same circumstances as the sum assured and which is guaranteed. Regular additions are usually made to policies which have been effected as with profits contracts, and the additions arise from 'surplus' funds not required by companies to cover their liabilities (IG)
  • bonus revisionato [IT]

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