investitur mhux professjonali
persuna li tbigħ u tixtri titoli ta' sigurtà għall-kont tagħha. Investitur mhux professjonali jiddependi mill-intermedjarju għal informazzjoni u għajnuna. Għalhekk il-livell ta' protezzjoni ta' investitur mhux professjonali hu ogħla minn dak mogħti lil investitur professjonali (IW)
In other languages:
retail investor (also referred to as non-professional investor) [EN]
- a person who buys or sells securities for his or her own account. A retail investor is dependant on the intermediary for information and assistance. Therefore the level of protection of a retail investor is higher than that given to a professional investor (IW)
investitore non professionista, investitore al dettaglio [IT]