kumpanija msieħba dwar kumpanija
kull enti morali li jkun is-sussidjarju jew l-assoċjat ta' dik il-kumpanija, jew holding company tagħha, jew hu l-maniġer jew hu mmexxi minn dik il-kumpanija jew jagħti jew jieħu pariri jew hu b'xi mod ieħor ikkontrollat minn jew jikkontrolla dik il-kumpanija, holding company tagħha jew hu s-sussidjarju jew l-assocjat tal-holding company ta' dik il-kumpanija (MSE)
In other languages:
related company in relation to a company [EN]
- any body corporate which is that company's subsidiary, associated or holding company, or is the manager of or managed by, or is advisor to or is advised by or otherwise controls or is controlled by that company, its holding company or a subsidiary or associate of that company's holding company (MSE)
società in relazione ad un altra società [IT]