european investment firm

impriża ta' investiment ewropea

impriża ta' investiment kif imfissra fl-Artikolu 1(2) tad-Direttiva li tkun awtorizzata mill-awtorità barranija tagħha u skond kif imfisser fl-Artikolu 3 tad-Direttiva jew li tkun awtorizzata minn awtorità barranija fi Stat ŻEE biex twettaq is-servizzi msemmija fis-Sezzjoni A(1)(b) u (2) ta' l-Anness tad-Direttiva (MSE)

In other languages:

  • european investment firm [EN] - an investment firm as defined in Article 1(2) of the Directive authorised by its foreign authority within the meaning of article 3 of the Directive or authorised by a foreign authority in an EEA State to carry out the services referred to in Section A(1)(b) and (2) of the Annex to the Directive (MSE)
  • impresa d'investimento europea [IT]

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