Awtorità Kompetenti
dik il-persuna jew korp ieħor f'Att, b'avviż fil-Gazzetta, sabiex teżerċita l-funzjonijiet ta' awtorità kompetenti taħt l-istess Att u teżerċita dawk il-funzjonijiet l-oħra li l-Ministeru jista' jidhirlu xieraq relattivament għall-operat ta' dan l-Att (BA)
In other languages:
Competent Authority [EN]
- the person or body appointed in an Act, by notice in the Gazette, to carry out the functions of the competent authority under the said Act and to perform such other functions as the Minister may consider appropriate in relation to the operation of the said Act (BA)
Autorita Competente [IT]