yield to call

guadagno iniziale

In other languages:

  • yield to call [EN] - a yield on a security calculated by assuming that interest payments will be paid until the call date, when the security will be redeemed at the call price. The yield to call is calculated in the same way as yield to maturity but assumes that a bond purchased at a premium will be called and that the investor will receive the amount of the face value at the call date (IW)
  • qligħ mas-sejħa [MT] - qligħ fuq titoli ta' sigurtà mkejjel billi wieħed jassumi li l-ħlasijiet ta' mgħaxijiet jibqgħu jsiru sad-data tas-sejħa, meta t-titolu ta' sigurtà jinfeda bil-prezz tad-data tas-sejħa. Il-qligħ mas-sejħa jkun ikkalkulat bl-istess mod kif hu kkalkulat il-qligħ mal-maturità imma jassumi li bond mixtrija bi prezz ogħla tissejjaħ biex tinfeda qabel iż-żmien u li l-investitur jirċievi l-ammont tal-valur mal-ħruġ fid-data tas-sejħa (IW)

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