agente di borsa
In other languages:
- stockbroker [EN] - (1) a person or entity who buys and sells securities on a stock exchange on behalf of an investor and receives remuneration for this service in the form of a commission (2) any licence holder authorised by the Competent Authority under the Investment Services Act to carry out the functions of broker for the purchase or sale of quoted securities; provided that any stockbroker's licence issued by the Council of the Malta Stock Exchange shall continue in force until renewed or revoked by the Competent Authority under the Investment Services Act (IW)
- stockbroker [MT] - (1) persuna jew enti li jbigħ u jixtri titoli ta' sigurtà f'borża f'isem investitur u jitħallas kummissjoni ta' dan is-servizz (2) kull detentur ta' liċenzja awtorizzat mill- awtorità kompetenti taħt l-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta' Investiment biex jeżerċita l-funzjonijiet ta' browker għax-xiri jew bejgħ ta' strumenti finanzjarji kwotati: iżda kull licenza ta' stockbroker maħruga mill-Kunsill tal-Borza ta' Malta għandha tkompli fis-seħħ sakemm tiġġedded jew tiġi revokata mill-awtorità kompetenti taħt l-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta' l-Investiment (IW)