prevention of Money Laundering

prevenzione del riciclaggio del denaro sporco

In other languages:

  • prevention of Money Laundering [EN] - this is the term used to describe the world-wide efforts to combat money laundering. In Malta, all licence holders are obliged to follow strict rules to ensure that the local financial system is not used by criminals to launder their illegal monies. As part of this process, licence holders must establish the identity of the investor with whom they are dealing - a process usually referred to as knowing your customer - by requesting the person to provide his identity card and asking a number of questions (IW)
  • prevenzjoni ta' money laundering [MT] - dan hu t-terminu użat biex wieħed jiddeskrivi l-isforzi mad-dinja kollha fil-ġlieda kontra l-ħasil tal-flus. F'Malta, dawk kollha li għandhom liċenzja huma marbutin li jimxu ma' regoli stretti biex jiżguraw li s-sistema finanzjarja lokali ma tintużax minn nies kriminali biex jgħaddu minnha l-flejjes illegali tagħhom. Bħala parti minn dan il-proċess, dawk li għandhom liċenzja huma obbligati jsiru jafu l-identità ta' l-investitur li jkunu qed jittrattaw miegħu - proċess ġeneralment magħruf bħala kun af lill-klijent tiegħek - billi jitolbu lill-persuna tagħtihom il-karta ta' identità tagħha (IW)

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