Monetary Law (Lex Monetae)

Legge Monetaria

In other languages:

  • Monetary Law (Lex Monetae) [EN] - a universally accepted principle of law whose basic assumption is that each state exercises sovereign power over its own currency and would not try to legislate over another country's money. It follows from this that the European Union's laws establishing the legal status of the euro are universally recognised and that its provisions governing the conversion from national currency units to the euro and the continuity of contracts are respected in the main financial centres of the world (NECCG)
  • Liġi monetarja (Lex Monetae) [MT] - prinċipju tal-ligi aċċettat universalment u li bażikament jassumi li kull stat jeżerċita poter sovran fuq il-munita tiegħu u li ma jippruvax jillegiżla fuq flus ta' pajjiż ieħor. Minn dan joħroġ li l-liġijiet ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea li jistabilixxu l-istatus legali tal-ewro huma rikonoxxuti universalment u li l-provvedimenti tiegħu dwar it-tisrif minn munita nazzjonali għall-ewro u l-kontinwità ta' kuntratti huma osservati fiċ-ċentri finanzjarji ewlenin tad-dinja (NECCG)

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