special perils

In other languages:

  • special perils [EN] - the collective term for extra defined perils which are commonly added to a fire policy. Examples are damage by aircraft, earthquake, riot and civil commotion, burst pipes, storm, flood, impact by road vehicles, horses and cattle (IG)
  • riskji speċjali [MT] - it-terminu kollettiv użat għal riskji definiti addizzjonali li normalment jiżdiedu ma' polza tal-ħruq. Eżempji: ħsara minn arjuplani, terremoti, rewwixti, disturbi u kommozzjoni ċivili, pajpijiet maqsumin, maltemp, għargħar, impatt minn vetturi tat-triq, żwiemel u għanem (IG)
  • rischi speciali [IT]

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