return (or total return or net return)

In other languages:

  • return (or total return or net return) [EN] - total return measures increases and decreases in the value of your investment over time, after subtracting costs (you will usually find it written as net return). When expressed as a percentage, net return for an indicated period is calculated by dividing the change in a fund's net asset value, assuming reinvestment of all income and capital gains distributions, by the initial price (IW)
  • redditu (jew qligħ totali jew qligħ nett), qligħ, profitt [MT] - qligħ totali jkejjel it-tlugħ u nżul fil-valur ta' l-investimenti tiegħek matul iż-żmien wara li jitnaqqsu l-ispejjeż (int ġeneralment issibu deskritt bħala qligħ nett). Meta jingħata bħala perċentwali, qligħ nett għal perijodu indikat hu kkalkulat billi tiddividi l-bdil tal-valur ta' l-assi nett ta' fond bil-prezz tal-bidu, meta wieħed jassumi r-riinvestiment tat-tqassim tad-dħul u l-qligħ kapitali kollha (IW)
  • reddito [IT]

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