big bang with a phasing out period

In other languages:

  • big bang with a phasing out period [EN] - upon implementation of the big bang (on €-day), this approach allows certain specific legal instruments and related acts, and for financial reporting purposes to be expressed in the national currency for a limited period of time (maximum of 12 months). However all payments will be made in euro (NECCG)
  • big bang b'perijodu phasing out [MT] - dan il-mod jippermetti, li mas-seħħ tal-bidla big bang (f'Jum-€), ċerti strumenti legali speċifiċi u atti relatati u għal għanijiet ta' rappurtaġġ finanzjarju, jsiru fil-munita nazzjonali għal perijodu limitat ta' żmien (massimu ta' tnax-il xahar). Il-pagamenti kollha, madankollu jsiru bl-ewro (NECCG)
  • immediato con una fase progressiva di eliminazione [IT]

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