Trattat tal-Unjoni Ewropea
magħruf ukoll bħala t-Trattat ta' Maastriċht għaliex il-qbil tiegħu seħħ fil-laqgħa tal-Kunsill Ewropew f'Maastricht, l-Olanda f'Diċembru 1991. Iffirmat fi Frar 1992 u mdaħħal fis-seħħ fl-1 ta' Novembru 1993, it-Trattat stabbilixxa li, sa Jannar 1999, jseħħ twaqqif ta'għaqda monetarja b'munita waħda u politika monetarja amministrata minn Bank ¬entrali Ewropew awtonomu (NECCG)
In other languages:
Treaty on European Union [EN]
- also known as the Maastricht Treaty because its terms were agreed at the European Council meeting in Maastricht (Netherlands) in December 1991. Signed on February 1992 and entering force on 1 November 1993, the Treaty established that monetary union would take place by January 1999, with a single currency and monetary policy administered by a wholly independent European Central Bank (NECCG)
Trattato del Unione Europea [IT]