terms of business letter

ittra bit-termini ta' negozju

dan hu dokument li jelenka fid-dettall il-ftehim għal servizzi ta' investiment bejn l-intermedjarju u l-investitur. Dan għandu jispeċifika, fost ħwejjeġ oħra, jekk l-intermedjarju għandux jagħti pariri fuq investiment jew le, u x-xorta ta' ħlasijiet u kummissjonijiet li l-intermedjarju jitħallas (IW)

In other languages:

  • terms of business letter [EN] - this is a document which sets out in detail the investment services agreement between the intermediary and the investor. It should specify, amongst other things, whether the intermediary will provide investment advice or not, and the type of fees and commissions which the intermediary will charge (IW)
  • lettera di commercio con termini [IT]

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