

użu tal-qligħ ta' kumpanija li jkun investit mill-ġdid fiha stess biex jitkabbru l-operazzjonijiet tagħha. Individwu propjetarju ta' stokk ukoll jista' jinvesti mill-ġdid billi jagħżel li dividendi mħallsin fuq stokks jintużaw għax-xiri ta' ishma addizzjonali f'dak l-istokk. L-istess japplika fil-każ ta' skemi ta' investiment kollettiv - individwu propjetarju ta' units jista' wkoll jinvesti mill-ġdid billi jagħżel li dividendi mħallsin fuq units jintużaw għax-xiri ta' units addizzjonali ta' dak il-fond (IW)

In other languages:

  • reinvest [EN] - funnelling of profits back into a company to enhance its operations. An individual stockbroker can also reinvest by choosing that dividends of a stock will be used to purchase additional shares of that stock. The same applies in the case of collective investment schemes - an individual unitholder can also reinvest by choosing that dividends paid on unit will be used to purchase additional units of that fund (IW)
  • ri-investire [IT]

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