

it-terminu għandu x´jaqsam ma' (a) ir-restawr tas-somma assigurata sħiħa wara li titħallas klejm. Dan normalment isir wara l-ħlas ta' primjum addizzjonali (b) l-għażla ta' assiguratur jekk jindennizzax lill-assigurat billi jirrimpjazza l-propjetà danneġġjata u jġibha fl-istat li kienet qabel it-telfa (IG)

In other languages:

  • reinstatement [EN] - the term relates to (a) the restoration of the full sum insured after a claim is paid. This is usually done by payment of an additional premium (b) the option an insurer may choose to indemnify the insured by restoring damaged property to its pre-loss condition (IG)
  • ri-stabilimento [IT]

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