

terminu użat b'mod spiss biex jindika dawk il-membri fl-UE li m'humiex fl-erja ta' l-ewro. Legalment, il-pre-ins jistgħu jiġu klassifikati f'żewġ kategoriji: dawk il-pajjiżi, bħad-Danimarka u r-Renju Unit, li jibbenefikaw minn klawsola speċjali, imsejħa opt out, li ippermettilhom li jibqgħu barra l-erja ta' l-ewro sakemm jiddeċiedu li jidħlu, u l-bqija tal-pajjiżi l-oħra li jidħlu malli jissodisfaw il-kondizzjonijiet meħtiega (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • Pre-ins [EN] - commonly used term to designate those members of the European Union which do not belong to the euro area. Legally speaking, the pre-ins can be classified into two categories: those countries, such as Denmark and the United Kingdom, which benefit from a special opt-out clause allowing them to remain outside the euro area until they decide to join, and the remaining countries, which will join as soon as they meet the necessary conditions (NECCG)
  • Pre-ins [IT]

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