

spiża ta' darba li xi skemi ta' investiment kollettiv jiċċarġjaw lill-propetarji ta' units biex iħallsu lil-intermedjarju li jkun biegħ il-fond. L-ispiża ġeneralment issir biss max-xiri, u f'ħafna każi ma jkun hemm ebda spiża oħra meta l-ishma jinbiegħu (jinfdew) (IW)

In other languages:

  • load [EN] - a one-time sales charge that some collective investment schemes charge unit holders to compensate the intermediary who sells the funds. The load is usually incurred only on purchase, there being, in most cases, no charge when the shares are sold (redeemed) (IW)
  • addebito [IT]

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