irrevocably fixed conversion rate

rata tal-kambju ffissata irrevokabilment

ir-rata tal-kambju li ma tinbidilx u ffissata b'mod irrrevokabbli bejn il-munita nazzjonali ta' l-Istat Membru u l-ewro. Tkun adottata bħala l-munita nazzjonali ta' l-Istat Membru mill-Kunsill Ewropew skond l-ewwel sentenza f'Artiklu 109(4) tat-Trattat li jwaqqaf il-Komunità Ewropea (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • irrevocably fixed conversion rate [EN] - the unalterable and irrevocably fixed conversion rate between the national currency of the Member State and the euro. It is adopted for the national currency of the Member State by the European Council according to the first sentence of Article 109 / (4) of the Treaty establishing the European Community (NECCG)
  • rata di conversione fissata irrevocabilmente [IT]

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