Din tinkludi l-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew (BCE) u l-banek ċentrali nazzjonali tal-Istati Membri li addottaw l-ewro skond it-Trattat li taħtu mwaqqfa l-Kommunità Ewropea. Preżentament hemm 12-il bank ċentrali nazzjonali fis-SistemaEwro. Is-SistemaEwro titmexxa mill-Kunsill Governattiv u mill-Bord Eżekuttiv tal-BĊE u assumiet l-ħidma li twassal għall-politika monetarja waħda għall-erja ta' l-ewro sa mill-1 ta' Jannar 1999. L-għan ewlieni tagħha hu li tinżamm stabbiltà fil-prezzijiet (NECCG)
In other languages:
Eurosystem [EN]
- it comprises of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks of the Member States which have adopted the euro in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community. There are currently 12 national central banks in the Eurosystem. The Eurosystem is governed by the Governing Council and the Executive Board of the ECB and has assumed the task of conducting the single monetary policy for the euro area since 1 January 1999. Its primary objective is to maintain price stability (NECCG)
Il Sistema Euro [IT]