żmien biex wieħed jerġa' jaħsibha
dan il-perijodu jibda mill-ġurnata li fiha int tixtri l-investiment. L-investitur jingħata ftit ġranet żmien (ngħidu aħna 15-il ġurnata) li tulhom jista' jqis mill-ġdid jekk jagħmilx l-investiment tiegħu. Qabel jgħaddi dan il-perijodu l-investitur jista', jekk irid, jirtira mit-tranżazzjoni bla ma jidħol fi spejjeż żejda (IW)
In other languages:
cooling-off period [EN]
- this period starts from the day on which you buy the investment. The investor is given a few days' time (such as 15 days) during which he/she can consider his investment again. Before the lapse of this period, the investor can, if he so wishes, withdraw from the transaction without incurring any extra charges (IW)
tempo necessario per ripensarci [IT]