convergence report

rapport ta' konverġenza

rapport li jevalwa l-qagħda ta' Stat Membru pre-in mal-kriterji ta' konverġenza u ma' numru ta' kondizzjonijiet oħra (inkluża l-awtonomija tal-Bank ċentrali). Kemm il-Kummissjoni Ewropea kif ukoll il-Bank ċentrali Ewropew huma meħtieġa jipproduċu rapporti ta' konverġenza wara li tkun saret applikazzjoni għal sħubija fl-Għaqda Ekonomika u Monetarja. Ir-rapport tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea jkun akkompanjat b' rakkomandazzjonijiet (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • convergence report [EN] - a report which assesses the performance of a pre-in Member State against the convergence criteria and a number of other conditions (including central bank independence). Both the European Commission and the European Central Bank are required to issue convergence reports after an application to join Economic and Monetary Union has been made. The European commission's report is accompanied by recommendations (NECCG)
  • relazione di convergenza [IT]

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