skema ta' investiment kollettiv
dawn huma prodotti finanzjarji li jiġbru fihom flus ta' diversi investituri li mbagħad ikunu investiti minn maniġer ta' fond skond kriterji speċifiċi. L-iskema jew fond jinqasam f'segmenti msejħin units li sa ċertu punt jixbhu lill-ishma. Investituri jieħdu sehem fil-fond billi jixtru dawn il-units u għalhekk isiru propjetarji ta' units. Il-prezz ta' unit hu bbażzt fuq il-valur ta' l-investiment li-l-fond ikun investa fihom (valur ta' l-assi nett) (IW)
In other languages:
collective investment scheme (CIS) [EN]
- these are financial products where money from a number of different investors are pooled and then invested by a fund manager according to specific criteria. The scheme or fund is divided into segments called units which are to some degree similar to shares. Investors take a stake in the fund by buying these units and will therefore become unitholders. The price of a unit is based on the value of the investments the fund has invested in (net asset value) (IW)
schema per investimenti collettivi [IT]