basis point

punt bażi

grad wieħed f'tabella ta' 100 punt li jirrappreżenta wieħed fil-mija: użat l-aktar biex jesprimi varjazzjonijiet fir-rendiment tal-bonds. Rendiment ta' qligħ fiss ivarjaw spiss u ftit ħafna f'medda ta' wieħed fil-mija u l-iskala tal-punt bażiku tfisser faċilment dawn il-bidliet f'partijiet minn mija ta' wieħed fil-mija. Ngħidu aħna, id-differenza bejn 12.83% u 12.88% hija 5 punt bażiku (jew 0.05%) (IW)

In other languages:

  • basis point [EN] - one step on a 100-point scale representing one percent: used especially in expressing variations in the yields of bonds. Fixed income yields vary often and slightly within one percent and the basis point scale easily expresses these changes in hundreds of one percent. For example, the difference between 12.83% and 12.88% is 5 basis point (or 0.05%) (IW)
  • punto base [IT] - l'unità di misura più piccola utilizzata per stabilire i rendimenti dei titoli a reddito fisso. Equivale a un centesimo di punto percentuale e quindi allo 0,01% (Uni)

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