rounding rules

regole di arrotondamento

In other languages:

  • rounding rules [EN] - the conversion of currency units into another is governed by precise legal rules so as to guarantee clarity and fairness. Each conversion rate is expressed in significant figures (e.g. €1 = Lm0.429300) and these figures should always be used when making conversions. They cannot be rounded or shortened. If, after conversion the number at the third decimal place is less than 5, then the figure must be rounded down e.g. €34.874 becomes 34.87. If the third decimal number is five or above, then it can be rounded up e.g. 34.875 becomes €34.88 (NECCG)
  • regoli biex twassal lejn l-eqreb ammont [MT] - il-bdil ta' valur ta' munita hu regolat b'regoli legali preċiżi sabiex ikunu garantiti l-kjarezza u l-ekwità. Kull rata ta' bidla hija bbazata fuq ċifri sinifikanti (eż.€1 = Lm0.429300) u dawn iċ-ċifri għandhom jintużaw dejjem kull meta jsir il-kambju. M'għandhomx ikunu rounded jew imnaqqsa. Jekk, wara l-bidla il-valur tat-tielet numru deċimali jkun anqas minn ħamsa (5), iċ-ċifra għandha tingieb 'l isfel, eż. €34.874 issir €34.87. Jekk it-tielet numru deċimali jkun ħamsa jew aktar, allura ċ-ċifra tkun mtellgħa 'l fuq, eż. €34.875 issir €34.88 (NECCG)

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