insurable risk

rischio che può essere assicurato

In other languages:

  • insurable risk [EN] - the conditions that make a risk insurable to an insurer are (a) the peril insured against must produce a definite loss not under the control of the insured (b) there must be a large number of circumstances which are alike and subject to the same perils (c) the loss must be calculable and the cost of insuring it must be economically feasible (d) the peril must be unlikely to affect all insured simultaneously and (e) the loss produced by a risk must be definite and have a potential to be financially serious (IG)
  • riskju assigurabbli [MT] - il-kondizzjonijiet li jagħmlu riskju assigurabbli għal assiguratur huma: (a) il-periklu assigurat irid jikkaġuna telfa definita li l-assigurat m'għandux kontroll fuqha, (b) irid ikun hemm numru kbir ta' ċirkustanzi li huma bħal xulxin u soġġetti għall-istess perikli, (ċ) it-telfa trid tkun kalkulabbli u l-ispiża li tassiguraha trid tkun ekonomikament possibbli, (d) il-periklu jrid ikun tali li x´aktarx ma jolqotx lill-assigurati kollha fl-istess waqt, u (e) it-telfa kkaġunata minn riskju għandha tkun definita u jkollha l-potenzjal li tkun finanzjarjament serja (IG)

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