individual connected with the company

individuo che ha legami con la società

In other languages:

  • individual connected with the company [EN] - (1) a director of that company or a related company, or (2) a person who is an officer or employee of that company or related company, or (3) a person that occupies a position involving a business or professional relationship between himself, his employer, or a company of which he is a director, and that company or related company, or (4) a public officer acquiring information in an official capacity
  • persuna li għandha konnessjonijiet f'kumpanija [MT] - (1) tkun direttur ta' dik il-kumpanija jew ta' kumpanija msieħba, jew (2) tkun uffiċjal jew impjegat ta' dik il-kumpanija jew ta' kumpanija msieħba, jew (3) tkun tokkupa pożizzjoni li tinvolvi relazzjoni kummerċjali jew professjonali bejnha nnifisha, il-prinċipal tagħha, jew kumpanija li tagħha tkun direttur, u dik il-kumpanija jew kumpanija msieħba, jew (4) tkun uffiċjal pubbliku li tkun qiegħda tikseb tagħrif fil-kapaċità uffiċjali tagħha (MSE)

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