execution only

esecuzione soltanto

In other languages:

  • execution only [EN] - a service in which the intermediary has no responsibility for advising the investor on whether a particular transaction is suitable or not (for the investor). The intermediary's responsibility is limited to executing the transaction on the investor's instructions (IW)
  • eżekuzzjoni biss [MT] - servizz ipprovdut mill-intermedjarju, iżda li ma jitfa' ebda responsabbilità fuqu, biex jagħti parir lill-investitur fuq jekk tranżazzjoni partikolari hix tajba għalih (l-investitur) jew le. Ir-responsabbilità ta' l-intermedjarju hi limitata għall-eżekuzzjoni tat-tranżazzjoni skond l-istruzzjonijiet ta' l-investitur (IW)

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