euro circulation coins (normal and commemorative)

monete euro in circolazione (normali e commemorattive)

In other languages:

  • euro circulation coins (normal and commemorative) [EN] - there are currently eight denominations of euro coins in circulation: the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and the €1 and €2. The denominations and technical specifications of the coins are harmonised and they have legal tender status throughout the euro area since 1 January 2002. However, each Member State issues coins with its own national design on one side of each denomination, whilst the other side features a common European motif. In addition to the euro area Member States, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City are also entitled to issue limited quantities of euro circulation coins through agreements with the Community (NECCG)
  • muniti fl-ewro fiċ-ċirkulazzjoni (normali u kommemorattivi) [MT] - fil-preżent jezistu tmien denominazzjonijiet ta' muniti ewro fiċ-ċirkulazzjoni: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, u 50 ċenteżmu, u €1 u €2. Id-denominazzjonijiet u l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi tal-muniti huma armonizzati u għandhom status ta' valuta legali fl-erja ta' l-ewro sa mill-1 ta' Jannar 2002. Iżda, kull Stat Membru joħrog muniti bid-disinn nazzjonali fuq naħa waħda ta' kull denominazzjoni waqt li n-naħa l-oħra jkollha motif komuni Ewropew. Flimkien ma' l-Istati Membri fl-erja tal-ewro, San Marino u l-Istat tal-Vatikan għandhom ukoll il-jedd li joħorgu kwantitajiet limitati ta' muniti ewro fiċ-ċirkulazzjoni taħt ftehim mal-Kommunità (NECCG)

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