stability programmes

stability programmes

documents that countries in the euro area present annually to the Council demonstrating the expected development in their budgetary situation and other economic trends over the next three years at least. In particular, they demonstrate how the country in question is working towards the goal of budget balance or surplus in the Stability and Growth Pact. The European Commission assesses national programmes and makes recommendations to the Council. The possibility that the Council can make specific policy recommendations to a country before approving the stability programmes is a significant advance in policy coordination (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • programmi ta' stabbiltà [MT] - dokumenti ppreżentati kull sena lill-Kunsill minn pajjiżi fl-erja ta' l-ewro li juru l-iżvilupp mistenni fil-qagħda tal-baġit tagħhom u xejriet oħra ekonomiċi għal mill-anqas it-tliet snin li jmiss. Fost kollox juru kif il-pajjiż jkun qed jaħdem lejn il-mira ta' baġit ibbilanċjat jew attiv fil-Patt ta' Stabbiltà u Tkabbir. Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea tevalwa programmi nazzjonali u tagħmel rakkomandazzjonijiet lill-Kunsill. Il-possibiltà li l-Kunsill jista' jagħmel rakkomandazzjonijiet speċifiċi lil pajjiż dwar politika qabel japprova l-programmi ta' stabbiltà hu titjib sinifikattiv fil-koordinament ta' l-istess politika (NECCG)
  • programma di stabilità [IT]

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