Stability and Growth Pact
these are regulations designed to ensure effective application of the excessive deficit procedure in the Treaty on European Union. There are two legal texts: the first establishes the medium term goal of a balanced budget or one in surplus and an early warning system to identify and correct any slippage at an early stage (applied to all Member States). The second sets out the timetable and details of sanctions for countries with persistent excessive deficits. Sanctions only apply for euro area countries and are on a sliding scale of between 0.2% and 0.5% of GDP depending on the degree of overshoot of the 3% reference value. Initially sanctions take the form of a non-remunerated refundable deposit, which is converted into a definitive fine after 2 years if the situation is not corrected. The pact was agreed at the Amsterdam European Council in June 1997 (NECCG)
In other languages:
Il-Patt ta' Stabbiltà u Tkabbir [MT]
- dawn huma regolamenti fit-Trattat tal-Unjoni Ewropea mfassla biex jiżguraw tħaddim effettiv tal-proċedura dwar defiċit eċċessiv. Hemm żewġ dokumenti legali: ta' l-ewwel jistabilixxi l-mira fuq żmien medju għal baġit bilanċjat jew attiv u sistema ta' twiddib bikri li jagħraf u jikkoreġi kull nuqqas fi stadju bikri (li japplika għal l-Istati Membri kollha). L-ieħor jipprovdi skeda u dettalji ta' sanzjonijiet għal pajjiżi b'defiċit eċċessiv persistenti. Sanzjonijiet japplikaw biss għall-pajjiżi fiż-żona ewro u dawn jiżdiedu minn 0.2% għal 0.5% tal-Prodott Gross Domestiku (PGD) skond kemm ikun maqbuż il-valur referenzali ta' 3%. Għall-bidu, is-sanzjonijiet jieħdu forma ta' depożitu rifondibbli mhux imħallas li jigi mibdul f'multa definittiva wara sentejn kemm-il darba l-qagħda ma tkunx korretta. Il-patt kien maqbul fil-Kunsill Ewropew t'Amsterdam f'Ġunju 1997 (NECCG)
Patto di Stabilità e Crescita [IT]