psychological prices

psychological prices

manufacturers and retailers often fix prices at what are called psychological price points. These are levels which the consumer might see as bargains because they are under a certain threshold. Thus, Lm299 may seem cheaper than Lm300 and Lm2.99 appears more advantageous than Lm3.00 (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • prezzijiet psikoloġiċi [MT] - produtturi u bejjiegħa bl-imnut spiss jiffissaw prezzijiet ma' l-hekk imsejħa livelli psikologiċi ta' prezzijiet. Dawn huma livelli li l-konsumatur jista' jarahom bħala vantaġġjużi għax ikunu taħt ċertu limitu. B'hekk, Lm299 jista' jidhru orħos minn Lm300 u Lm2.99 jidhru aktar vantaġġjużi minn Lm3.00 (NECCG)
  • prezzi psicologici [IT]

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