psychological prices
manufacturers and retailers often fix prices at what are called psychological price points. These are levels which the consumer might see as bargains because they are under a certain threshold. Thus, Lm299 may seem cheaper than Lm300 and Lm2.99 appears more advantageous than Lm3.00 (NECCG)
In other languages:
prezzijiet psikoloġiċi [MT]
- produtturi u bejjiegħa bl-imnut spiss jiffissaw prezzijiet ma' l-hekk imsejħa livelli psikologiċi ta' prezzijiet. Dawn huma livelli li l-konsumatur jista' jarahom bħala vantaġġjużi għax ikunu taħt ċertu limitu. B'hekk, Lm299 jista' jidhru orħos minn Lm300 u Lm2.99 jidhru aktar vantaġġjużi minn Lm3.00 (NECCG)
prezzi psicologici [IT]