

(1) a legal document that describes an investment objective and policies, investment restrictions, officers, directors and expenses of collective investment schemes (2) a document that provides details about a new offering of securities for the sale to the public. It gives a detailed financial background of the issuing company, how the proceeds of the securities will be used, and other pertinent information investors will need to make an informed decision (3) a form, which is often part of the proposal form, giving details of the cover available with particulars of extra benefits and rebates (IG)

In other languages:

  • prospett [MT] - (1) dokument legali li jiddeskrivi l-oġġettivi u prattika, ir-restrizzjonijiet fuq investimenti, l-uffiċjali, id-diretturi u l-ispejjeż ta' skemi ta' investiment kollettiv (2) dokument li jagħti dettalji dwar offerta ġdida ta' titoli ta' sigurtà għall-bejgħ lill-pubbliku. Dan jagħti sfond finanzjarju dettaljat tal-kumpanija li tkun qed toħroġ l-offerta, kif se jintuża dak li jidħol mit-titoli ta' sigurtà, u informazzjoni oħra relatata li investituri jkunu jeħtieġu biex jaslu għal deċiżjoni infurmata (3) formola, li spiss hija parti mill-formola tat-talba/ta' l-applikazzjoni, li tagħti dettalji tal-kopertura li tista' tingħata b'dettalji ta' benefiċċji miżjuda u riduzzjonijiet (IG)
  • prospetto [IT]

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