

in order to ensure a rapid introduction of euro cash as from €-day, the main economic actors (banks, etc.) need to be supplied (i.e. frontloaded) in time with sufficient quantities of cash. The frontloading process implies that the national central bank supplies credit institutions (e.g. banks) with the necessary amounts of euro banknotes and coins to assure a rapid changeover as from €-day. This is essential in order to allow banks to adapt their ATMs and to have the necessary quantities of euro cash available for citizens and enterprises (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • frontloading [MT] - sabiex tkun żgurata sa minn Jum-€ d-disponibbiltà fil-pront ta' flus kontanti, jeħtieg li l-operaturi ekonomiċi ewlenin (banek, eċċ.) ikunu fornuti (frontloaded) fil-ħin bi kwantitajiet suffiċjenti ta' flus kontanti. Il-proċess ta' frontloading jimplika li l-bank ċentrali nazzjonali jforni stituzzjonijiet ta' kreditu (eż. banek) bl-ammonti meħtieġa ta' karti tal-flus u muniti fl-ewro sabiex jiggarantixxi l-bidla fil-pront sa minn Jum-€. Dan hu essenzjali sabiex jagħti ċans lill-banek li jadattaw l-ATMs tagħhom u li jkollhom il-kwantitajiet meħtieġa ta' flus kontanti fl-ewro disponibbli għall-pubbliku u għan-negozji (NECCG)
  • dare in anticipo [IT]

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