European System of Central Banks (ESCB)

European System of Central Banks (ESCB)

the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) comprises the European Central Bank and the national central banks of all 25 Member States of the European Union. It includes, in addition to the members of the Eurosystem, the national central banks of the Member States which have not adopted the euro. The ESCB is governed by the Governing Council, the Executive Board and the General Council of the ECB (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • Is-Sistema Ewropea tal-Banek Ċentrali (SEBĊ) [MT] - is-Sistema Ewropea tal-Banek ċentrali (SEBċ) tinkludi l-Bank ¬entrali Ewropew u l-banek ċentrali nazzjonali tal-25 l-Istat Membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Flimkien mal-membri fis-SistemaEwro, tinkludi l-banek ċentrali nazzjonali tal-Istati Membri li ma addottawx l-ewro. L-SEBċ titmexxa mill-Kunsill Governattiv, il-Bord Eżekuttiv, u l-Kunsill Generali tal-BċE (NECCG)
  • Il Sistema delle Banche Centrali Europee [IT]

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