European Council

European Council

the EU's main decision-making institution. It is composed of the ministers of the Member States and thus constitutes the EU institution in which the governments of the Member States are represented. The Council meets in different configurations, bringing together the Member States' ministers responsible for the areas concerned: general affairs and external relations, economic and financial affairs, employment, social policy, health and consumers, competition, etc. (NECCG)

In other languages:

  • Il-Kunsill Ewropew [MT] - l-istituzzjoni ewlenija li tieħu deċiżjonijiet fl-Unjoni Ewropea. Hu magħmul minn ministri mill-Istati Membri u għaldaqstant jikkostitwixxi l-istituzzjoni fl-Unjoni Ewropea fejn il-gvernijiet ta' l-Istati Membri huma rappreżentati. Il-Kunsill jiltaqa' taħt diversi forom waqt li jlaqqa' flimkien il-ministri fl-Istati Membri responsabbli għall-oqsma konċernati: affarijiet ġenerali u relazzjonijiet esterni, materji ekonomiċi u finanzjarji, impjiegi, politika soċjali, saħħa u konsumaturi, kompetizzjoni, eċċ. (NECCG)
  • Consiglio Europeo [IT]

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