bull market

bull market

a nickname investors give the stock market when stock prices are generally rising over an extended period of time. The bull market got its name by the popular myth that bulls raise their heads up high when they charge (see bear market) (IW)"""

In other languages:

  • suq tiela' [MT] - mod kif investituri jiddeskrivu is-suq ta' l-ishma meta l-prezzijiet tat-titoli ta' sigurtà jagħmlu perijodu ta' żmien x'aktarx twil ġeneralment telgħin. Suq tiela' tlaqqam hekk mill-ħrafa popolari li l-gniedes jgħollu rashom 'il fuq meta jattakkaw (ara suq nieżel) (IW)"""
  • mercato che sale, mercato tendente al rialzo [IT] - chi prevede nell'immediato futuro un mercato rialzista. Allo stesso modo si definisce \"bull market""" un mercato i cui prezzi tendano al rialzo (Uni)"""

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