annual report

annual report

the formal financial statement issued yearly by a public company. The report shows assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and earnings. The report also shows the company's financial condition at the close of the business year and other basic information of interest to shareholders. The annual report is also the most widely-read shareholder communication. A semi-annual report is issued by a company for the first six months of its financial year (IW)

In other languages:

  • rapport annwali [MT] - id-dikjarazzjoni finanzjarja formali maħruġa kull sena minn kumpanija pubblika. Ir-rapport juri l-assi, djun, spejjeż u qligħ. Ir-rapport juri wkoll il-qagħda finanzjarja tal-kumpanija f'għeluq is-sena tan-negozju u jagħti informazzjoni bażika oħra li tinteressa lill-azzjonisti. Ir-rapport annwali hu wkoll il-kommunikazzjoni l-aktar moqrija mill-azzjonisti. Kumpanija toħroġ rapport ta' nofs is-sena għall-ewwel sitt xhur tas-sena finanzjarja tagħha (IW)
  • rapporto annuale [IT]

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