stock index

In other languages:

  • stock index [EN] - a way of using a select group of stocks for long term evaluation. The performance of a group of stocks that the sponsor of the index regard as important is averaged and over time that average serves as an indicator of the market's general movement. For example, the FTSE 100 is an index of the share prices of the 100 largest companies (by market capitalisation) in the UK which is updated throughout the trading day. Stock indices are designed to give investors an idea of the general movement of the stock markets and its overall value. By comparing the performance of one of the stock indices, investors can see how well they have done from a comparative point of view. In particular they can see whether they would have been better off putting their money in an index tracker fund (IW)
  • indiċi ta' l-ishma [MT] - mod kif wieħed juża grupp magħżul ta' stokks għal stima fuq tul ta' żmien. Il-mod kif imur grupp ta' stokks li esperti jqisu bħala importanti jittieħed bħala medja u maż-żmien dik il-medja sservi bħala indikatur taċ-ċaqliq ġenerali tas-suq. Ngħidu aħna, il-FTSE 100 hu indiċi ta' prezzijiet ta' ishma ta' l-akbar 100 kumpanija (skond il-kapitalizzazzjoni tas-suq) fir-Renju Unit u hu aġġornat il-ħin kollu tul il-ġurnata tan-negozju. Indiċijiet ta' stokks huma maħsubin biex jagħtu lil investitur idea taċ-ċaqliq ġenerali tas-swieq ta' l-istokks u l-valur ġenerali tagħhom. Bit-tqabbil ta' kif ikunu marru l-portafolli tagħhom stess fl-indiċijiet ta' l-istokks, l-investituri jistgħu jaraw kif marru minn aspett komparattiv. B'mod partikolari jistgħu jaraw jekk kinux imorru aħjar kieku qiegħdu flushom f'fond li jirrifletti l-FTSE 100 (IW)
  • indice di titoli o azioni [IT]

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