
In other languages:

  • indemnity [EN] - legal principle that specifies that an insured should not collect more than the actual cash value of a loss but should be restored to the same financial position he enjoyed before the loss. This does not apply to policies which offer defined benefits or new for old cover (IG)
  • indennizz [MT] - prinċipju legali li jispeċifika li assigurat m'għandux jiġbor aktar mill-valur fi flus kontanti ta' telfa iżda għandu jitqiegħed fl-istess pożizzjoni finanzjarja li kien fiha qabel it-telfa. Dan ma japplikax għal poloz li joffru benefiċċji definiti jew kopertura ta' ġdid flok qadim (IG)
  • indennizzo [IT] - somma dovuta dall'assicuratore a titolo di riparazione del danno subito da un proprio assicurato a seguito di un sinistro (Catt)

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